Tuesday, April 6, 2010

☆Lesson 5: Juxtaposition☆ Analogy Vs Metaphor

Analogy VS Metaphor

Metaphor originated from the Greek word, metaphor which simply means to transfer. Analogy came from the Greek word, analogia which means proportion. Despite the similarities an analogy is not a metaphor. An analogy is usually used when one is trying to explain something complex using something familiar as an example. We call something a metaphor when we speak figuratively to describe something.

Examples of metaphors

Life is a journey, purposes are destinations, means are routes, difficulties are obstacles, counselors are guides, achievements are landmarks, choices are crossroads..

A lifetime is a day, death is sleep; a lifetime is a year, death is winter..

Life is a struggle, dying is losing a contest against an adversary..

Life is a precious possession, death is a loss..

Examples of Analogy

  1. Glove is to hand as paint is to wall
  2. Citizens are to president as solar system is to galaxy
  3. Horses are to past societies as computers are to future societies


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